Shipnotice Service Description

The following methods are available at the servlet path /rest/1.3/shipping/shipnotice
GET  /1.3/shipping/shipnotice/schema
Returns the XML Schema that describes the format of the retrieved data when the Shipnotice Service API calls are made.

Supported Output Types : application/xml

POST  /1.3/shipping/shipnotice/{receipt}
Creates a shipping notice for the given transaction.

Return Type: ShipNotice

Request Parameters :

datetrueThe shipping date (yyyy-mm-dd).
carriertrueThe shipping carrier.
trackingfalseThe tracking id.
commentsfalseThe comments associated with the notice.
itemfalseThe sku/itemNo of the line item. This parameter is required if the transaction includes multiple physical items.

Supported Output Types : application/xml, application/json

Required Roles : api_order_read, api_order_write, HAS_DEVELOPER_KEY

GET  /1.3/shipping/shipnotice/{receipt}
Returns the ship notices for the given transaction.

Return Type: List of ShipNotices

Supported Output Types : application/xml, application/json

Required Roles : api_order_read, HAS_DEVELOPER_KEY