Quickstats Service Description

The following methods are available at the servlet path /rest/1.3/quickstats
GET  /1.3/quickstats/schema
Returns the XML Schema that describes the format of the retrieved data for the accounts.

Supported Output Types : application/xml

GET  /1.3/quickstats/count
The count service sums the quickstat sale, refund and chargeback amounts based on the search criteria. If no search conditions are set, it will return the sum of the values for the last 45 days based on all the accounts linked to the API keys. The count service is similar to the list method except for the fact that it presents the user with one total of the dates specified the search criteria instead of listing each day's quickstat values individually. Note that the quickStatDate in the returned data will be null.

Request Parameters :

startDatefalseThe beginning date for the search (yyyy-mm-dd). Defaults to 45 days from today if not specified.
endDatefalseThe end date for the search (yyyy-mm-dd). Defaults to today if not specified
accountfalseThe nickName of the account. Defaults to all accounts if not specified.

Supported Output Types : application/xml, application/json

Required Roles : api_order_read, HAS_DEVELOPER_KEY

GET  /1.3/quickstats/accounts
Return a list of all account nicknames which the current api user has read access.

Supported Output Types : application/xml, application/json

Required Roles : api_order_read, HAS_DEVELOPER_KEY

GET  /1.3/quickstats/list
Return the quickstats for the api user, based on the search criteria. If no search conditions are set, it will return the quickstats for all the accounts for the API user for the last 45 days

Request Parameters :

startDatefalseThe beginning date for the search (yyyy-mm-dd). Defaults to 45 days from today if not specified.
endDatefalseThe end date for the search (yyyy-mm-dd). Defaults to today if not specified
accountfalseThe nickName of the account. Defaults to all accounts if not specified.

Supported Output Types : application/xml, application/json

Required Roles : api_order_read, HAS_DEVELOPER_KEY