Products Service Description

The following methods are available at the servlet path /rest/1.3/products
GET  /1.3/products/schema
Returns the XML Schema that describes the format of a ProductData object

Return Type: Product XML Schema

Supported Output Types : application/xml

GET  /1.3/products/{sku}
Gets a product

Return Type: Product Data

Request Parameters :

sitetrueThe site owning the product to be retrieved.

Supported Output Types : application/xml, application/json

Required Roles : HAS_DEVELOPER_KEY, api_products_client

PUT  /1.3/products/{sku}
Saves a product with the passed in parameters

Return Type: A Product Sku

Request Parameters :

digitalfalseproduct has digital component
physicalfalseproduct has physical component
digitalRecurringfalseproduct has digital recurring component
physicalRecurringfalseproduct has physical recurring component
categoriesfalseThe categories for digital products. At least one is required for a product with a digital component, multiple may be specified. Must be either EBOOK, SOFTWARE, GAMES, AUDIO, VIDEO, or MEMBER_SITE. Providing a category for a product without a digital component will result in an error.
skipConfirmationPagefalseWhether or not to skip confirmation page. This parameter is role restricted. If you do not have the role, it will not be honored.
sitetrueThe site owning the product to be saved.
thankYouPagefalseThe thank you page for desktops. Either thankYouPage or mobileThankYouPage is required
mobileThankYouPagefalseThe thank you page for mobile devices.
currencytrueThe currency the product is sold in.
pricetrueThe price for the product. Or in the case of RECURRING or RECURRING_PHYSICAL products, the initial price.
rebillPricefalseIn the case of RECURRING or RECURRING_PHYSICAL (required) products the rebill price.
rebillCommissionfalseIn the case of RECURRING or RECURRING_PHYSICAL products the rebill commission.
trialPeriodfalseIn the case of RECURRING or RECURRING_PHYSICAL (required) products the trial period. Must be either 0 or a whole number between 3 and 31.
frequencyfalseIn the case of RECURRING or RECURRING_PHYSICAL (required) products the rebill frequency. Must be either WEEKLY, BI_WEEKLY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, HALF_YEARLY or YEARLY
durationfalseIn the case of RECURRING or RECURRING_PHYSICAL (required) products the rebill duration.
shippingProfilefalseIn the case of PHYSICAL or RECURRING_PHYSICAL products the name of the shipping profile
purchaseCommissionfalseThe commission rate for the product - if unspecified the sites commission rate will be used.
languagetrueThe language of the product. Must be either DE (German), EN (English), ES, (Spanish), FR (French), IT (Italian), or PT (Portuguese)
titletrueThe title of the product
descriptionfalseIn the case of PHYSICAL or RECURRING_PHYSICAL (required) the description of the product.
imagefalseThe id of the image associated to the product
pitchPagefalseThe URL where you pitch your product. This might be the same as the HopLink Target URL. Either pitchPage or mobilePitchPage is required.
mobilePitchPagefalseThe URL where you pitch your product to customers on mobile devices. This might be the same as the HopLink Target URL. Either pitchPage or mobilePitchPage is required.
saleRefundDaysLimitfalseThe number days within which a sale can be refunded
rebillRefundDaysLimitfalseThe number days within which a rebill can be refunded
deliveryMethodfalseThe method of delivery.
deliverySpeedfalseThe speed of delivery.
preRebillNotificationOverridefalseWhen set, Pre-rebill notificaitons will be sent when the frequency is greater than the required cycle.
preRebillNotificationLeadTimefalseThe number of days before the rebill notification. When enabled, a Pre-rebill notification will be sent to the number equal to the number of days indicated in the lead time and will apply to the rest of the subscription.

Supported Output Types : application/xml, application/json

Required Roles : HAS_DEVELOPER_KEY, api_products_client

DELETE  /1.3/products/{sku}
Delete a product

Return Type: Nothing

Request Parameters :

sitetrueThe site owning product to be deleted

Supported Output Types : application/xml, application/json

Required Roles : HAS_DEVELOPER_KEY, api_products_client

GET  /1.3/products/list
Lists all products

Return Type: List of Product Data

Request Parameters :

sitetrueThe site owning the products
typefalseThe product types to return.d Must be either STANDARD or RECURRING. Will return all types if not specified

Supported Output Types : application/xml, application/json

Required Roles : HAS_DEVELOPER_KEY, api_products_client