Shipnotice Service Description

The following methods are available at the servlet path /rest/1.3/shipping2/shipnotice
GET  /1.3/shipping2/shipnotice/schema
Returns the XML Schema that describes the format of the retrieved data when the Shipnotice Service API calls are made.

Supported Output Types : application/xml

POST  /1.3/shipping2/shipnotice/{receipt}
Creates a shipping notice for the given transaction.

Return Type: ShipNotice

Request Parameters :

datetrueThe shipping date (yyyy-mm-dd).
carriertrueThe shipping carrier.
trackingfalseThe tracking id.
commentsfalseThe comments associated with the notice.
itemfalseThe sku/itemNo of the line item. This parameter is required if the transaction includes multiple physical items.
fillOrderfalseIndicates that the receipt is part of an order to be shipped altogether, for which the remaining shipping notices should be automatically generated.

Supported Output Types : application/xml, application/json

Required Roles : api_order_read, api_order_write, HAS_DEVELOPER_KEY

GET  /1.3/shipping2/shipnotice/{receipt}
Returns the ship notices for the given transaction.

Return Type: List of ShipNotices

Supported Output Types : application/xml, application/json

Required Roles : api_order_read, HAS_DEVELOPER_KEY